Episode 6 – Harmonians, Sad Feet and a Pizza Place

Episode 6 of POVWeekly has been released!

In tonight’s episode, Jen returns TO maternity leave and pitches in by actually having the baby! Welcome to Poufwa, Emma, aka…Mustard!

Filling the gaping hole left by Jen and Emma this evening, we have Aaron and Scott! Aaron stays awake all night but at one point tries to beat me with his headset, and Scott gets eaten by a Dalek. In mono.

Join us for Star Trek to Harry Potter casting, what-animal-are-you hilarity, and see if you can guess who beat up Scott on his road trip!

We are taking this week off so no recording on September 13th.  Going forward we’re switching to a 90 minute format and will broadcast live on Thursday evenings from 8:30-10pm EST!

Happy listening!