Episode 67: Live, In Living Color!
Live from Ducksfoot Farm! Ryan and Danielle journey to Sue’s farm for POVWeekly’s first meet up! Ryan and Danielle are weirded out by podcasting with the sun up, and Bob’s sexy voice soon calls in. We find we are live, hot and flowing. We recorded this podcast on the anniversary of Deathly Hallows, so we play a game of “Where we were seven years ago tonight?”
Onwards to Cards Against Humanity! The hosts are all drinking, so you know it’s going to get wild. Since Bob is not in the room, we need an announcer to read our submissions anonymously. Scott graciously volunteers before realizing he will not be typing but reading our submissions live on air. Scott, the man who will never be Mayor. Scott lays down some ground rules, Danielle googles a word she doesn’t know and Bob has his daily vibrations from the chat.
Due to the content of this podcast, only the first half is being released on the POV standard feed. If you want to hear the rest, you need to go to the Restricted Section of the PotterFicWeekly forum. Don’t have access? You will in a minute.
1) Register for an account on the PotterFicWeekly forum by visiting www.potterficforum.com
2) Once registered, send a private message (PM) to username “SueatDucksfoot”, or an email to
Sue@poufwa.com Give me your username, and let me know if you’re over the age of 18.